These 5 songs might be better than the ABCs at helping your child learn to read

Don’t get us wrong, we all love the ABCs, but other songs might be even better at helping your child learn to read.

The truth is, while the ABC song teaches the order of the alphabet and names of letters, it doesn’t fully prepare our children for reading. Learning the sounds letters make is crucial for young readers to begin to sound out words.

Imagine your four-year-old is asked to read the word “jet”. If they only know the names of the letters, they might incorrectly sound it out as “jay-eeee-teee.” That’s why it’s equally important to practice letter names, letter shapes, and letter sounds.

Add these phonics songs to your playlist to make learning fun! 

Letters All Around My City by City Love


Give these songs a try and watch your child’s reading skills soar!


How ‘reading captains’ are fueling Philadelphia’s push to improve early literacy (Chalkbeat Philadelphia)